
Friday 20 March 2020

10 tips to be safe at the beach

10 top tips of being safe at the beach

1 Beware of undertows rips currents rocks and shallow water.
2 Always swim between the flags 
3 Don’t panic when you are drowning call for help  and use hand signals.
4 Obey signs,swim at patrolled beaches.
5 Be safe when gone diving. 
6 Beware of sharp obstacles when walking or running.
7 Beware of getting sand in your eye.
8 Never swim alone.
9 Beware of strong currents.
10 Never dive in the shallow end of the beach.

My Activate prior knowledge on dinosaurs

I know that dinosaurs were the strongest creatures alive.

l know that dinosaurs became extinct by an asteroid.

l know that dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago.